Definition of 'at risk of homelessness'
New analysis from Shelter reveals that 320,000 people are recorded as homeless, as numbers rise again. This figure lays bare the true scale of Britain’s worsening housing crisis, despite repeated Government pledges to tackle the problem.
Older Australia at a glance
Homelessness is a growing problem for older Australians, and will likely continue to increase over time due to an ageing population and declining rates of home ownership among older people.
Over the last decade, the number of older homeless people increased by 49%, with the largest changes measured in people aged 65–74 and 55–64.
The disturbing truth you need to know about women's homelessness
Christine is a recently retired and now homeless mature age woman who has, like so many other retired professional women, little to no prospect of obtaining public or community housing, or being able to afford market price rentals.
She is the convenor of the Housing Alternatives self-help action group on Facebook and the creator of the Housing Alternatives web site,
Diversity in older age: Older homelessness
The characteristics of older homelessness can change rapidly over time and may differ significantly from place to place. This review will focus on older homelessness in England. In England older homelessness is currently on the increase and the number of older street-homeless has doubled in the five years from 2010 to 2015.
Women's Homelessness: International Evidence on Causes, Consequences, Coping and Policies
This paper reviews international evidence regarding women’s homelessness. It discusses different definitions of homelessness and how women are frequently part of the “hidden homeless” population and less a part of the unsheltered homeless population. It also
considers the data that are used to enumerate and study homeless people.
Defining 'At Risk of Homelessness': Re-connecting Causes, Mechanisms and Risk
A key focus of homelessness policy across the Anglophone world is to prevent homelessness by targeting interventions to those considered “at-risk”, yet the term “at-risk of homelessness” remains ambiguous. A solid definition is required. Typically, risk is defined using those factors that are over-represented in the population of interest.
Homelessness and Older People
According to the ABS, 14,851 people aged 55+ were experiencing
homelessness on Census night 2011. People aged 55+ consist of
only 7% of clients accessing specialist homelessness services in 2014– 15. This is partly due to the service system design but also indicates that is a lack of beds for older Australians within the homelessness service system.
Ending Homelessness in New Zealand:Final Report of the Cross-Party Inquiry on Homelessness
The hundreds of submissions and pieces of evidence presented to the Cross-Party Inquiry into Homelessness show that the level of homelessness in New Zealand is larger than any other time in recent memory and is continuing to grow.
Ways Out of Homelessness in Central Europe
While there have been several European projects and exchanges of know-how and good practice in the field of housing, representatives of the partner organizations of this project felt the need for focusing exclusively on local solutions from the region.
A Literature Review of Homelessness and Aging: Suggestions for a Policy and Practice-Relevant Research Agenda
Homelessness among older people is a growing concern across Canada and is expected to rise with demographic change. Yet current knowledge, policies, and practices on homelessness largely focus on younger populations. Likewise, research and policies on aging typically overlook homelessness.
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