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At Risk: 405,000 older women risk homelessness without urgent policy reform
Older women have a right to appropriate and affordable housing as a foundation for their wellbeing, however they are the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness in Australia. Older women’s pathway to homelessness is a gendered issue and a consequence of long-term systemic issues.
Submission to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety: Aged care program redesign
In this submission, CPSA responds to some of the questions posed in the Royal Commission’s Consultation Paper 1.
Understanding and reimagining social housing pathways
This study explores the ways households experience pathways into, within and out of the Australian social housing system.
400,000 women over 45 are at risk of homelessness in Australia
Older women have been recognised as the fastest-growing group of homeless people in Australia in recent years. Yet until now we have not known exactly how many older women are at risk of homelessness.
Older people are generally considered to be at less risk of homelessness because of their higher rates of home ownership.
Housing Insecurity and Older People in NSW
Outlining the recommendations made to the NSW Government, including: housing and older people and insecure housing and older people. This is a live document that will be updated as legislative changes are made.
‘Uprooting, no matter how small a plant you are, is a trauma’: older women renters are struggling
Older women renters are struggling in an insecure and unaffordable rental housing market. A combination of high rents and low incomes leaves many living in substandard housing and unable to afford necessities like food and energy bills.
Rrent increases further stress household budgets, and evictions magnify these risks. COVID-19 makes the need for reform even more urgent.
Older and poorer: Retirement Income Review can’t ignore the changing role of home
The assumption that retired people have minimal housing costs underpins the settings of our retirement incomes system. But the real state of housing for older Australians today makes it critical for the Retirement Incomes Review to look at the evidence that now challenges this assumption.
Going for GOLD! Growing Older with Learning Disabilities: An inclusive research project to reduce social isolation amongst older adults with learning disabilities
This research was part of the Greater Manchester Growing Older with Learning Disabilities (GM GOLD) project, which was carried out by a team of 16 older people with learning disabilities.
Why more retirees are still paying off mortgages
Big numbers of Australian Baby Boomers are now entering retirement with a mortgage. The proportion of homeowners who still have a mortgage at the point of retirement in 2016 surged 23 per cent in a decade to 36 per cent. Generation X are also heading towards retirement with mortgage debt.
This article examines the reasons behind this phenomenon.
Older Women in the Private Rental Sector: Unaffordable, Substandard and Insecure Housing
Single older women aged 55 and over are overrepresented amongst the asset poor in Australia. They are also one of the fastest growing groups of homeless people nationally. This status is a product of a number of risks that accrue to women across the life course including gendered differences in pay and superannuation. It is also a product of an unaffordable and insecure private rental system.