A key part of HAAG's Early Intervention approach to homelessness is our Community Education projects. Through empowering older people with experiences of homelessness to share their stories, we reach out to diverse community groups, letting them know about our services.

Latest Community Education Events and Updates

22 Jul 2024

We're back at Echuca Neighbourhood House sharing housing HAAG information with older people living in insecure housing or homeless in the local community.

15 May 2024

There is going to be a Parliamentary Inquiry into the demolition of the Public Housing towers. Housing for the Aged Action Group would like to talk to residents, to hear your views, and let the Government know what you think.

7 Aug 2024

Come to our information session on accessing affordable housing at the Doncaster Library as part of Homelessness Week. The session will cover current housing trends, risk factors for homelessness, and how HAAG’s services can provide support. The session is suitable for people aged 50+, who are on a government pension or low income, and are in private rental or under financial stress with mortgage payments.

14 Jun 2024

HAAG is participating in the Better Together Conference at Kardinia Park, Geelong. Dani Kehoe will present our latest research –‘Housing Justice for Older People – a right not a privilege, and our LGBTIQA+ community educator team will be out and about at the conference, with a stall throughout the weekend.

14 May 2024

HAAG’s LGBTIQA+ community educators are hosting this event for older community members to find out about housing and homelessness, and where to go for help. 
