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Seniors in Spain are saying no to nursing homes

Examining the rise of co-housing and elderly housing co-operatives in Spain as alternatives to aged care facilities.

A Home of One's Own: Shared Equity Housing for Older Single Women

This project was established to research and develop a shared equity model of home ownership, specifically geared to the needs of lower income women over the age of 55 years.

Housing Decisions of Older Australians

The growing longevity and ageing of Australia’s population, as well as other structural and demographic changes, elevate the policy imperative to understand what drives the housing decisions of older people and the consequences for their wellbeing. This study aims to explore the drivers of those decisions, as well as some of the barriers to better outcomes.

An Age Friendly City – how far has London come?

The Institute of Gerontology has undertaken this research. It follows their study for the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2006: What makes a city age-friendly?

Relationships between perceived aspects of home and symptoms in a cohort aged 67- 70.

The importance of the home environment increases with age. Perceived aspects of home influence life satisfaction, perceived health and independence in daily activities and well-being among very old people. However, research on health and perceived aspects of home among senior citizens in earlier phases of the aging process is lacking.

Planning Neighbourhoods for all Ages and Abilities: A Multi-generational Perspective

Taking a more integrated approach to planning our neighbourhoods for the continuum of inhabitants’ ages and abilities makes sense given our current and future population composition. Seldom are the built environment requirements of diverse groups (e.g. children, seniors, and people with disability) synthesised, resulting in often unfriendly and exclusionary neighbourhoods.

Ageing Population Growth and Critical Housing Questions in New Zealand

In the context of the global ageing population, the case of New Zealand is significant, where one in four of the population will be over sixty-five by 2051. This paper identifies some critical housing questions within the context of population ageing in Auckland, New Zealand.

Ageing in Cities - Policy Highlights

This report provides policy makers with insights and tools to mitigate the challenges of ageing societies and make the most of the opportunities they present. Three considerations underpin the assessment: - Ageing societies are not “a problem” as such. - Ageing societies are not simply societies of “older people”.

Socially Healthy Ageing: The Importance of Third Places, Soft Edges and Walkable Neighbourhoods

Population ageing is a complex subject with implications for public policy and urban and regional planning. A key community responsibility of population ageing is to ensure the health and wellbeing of this cohort. In this respect, planning for socially healthy ageing is a critical area requiring urgent and substantial research.

Housing vulnerable older people: lessons from Europe and Australia

A comparison of strategies for housing vulnerable older people in Europe and Australia.
