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The voices of midlife women facing housing insecurity in Victoria, Australia

Single, older women in the State of Victoria, Australia have emerged as a group experiencing housing insecurity and being highly vulnerable to homelessness in their old age. A sizable demographic cohort, it is a group that could overwhelm the existing homelessness service system. One of the most surprising aspects of this trend is their propensity to be tertiary educated.

Key characteristics of age-friendly cities and communities: a review.

The world is currently experiencing two demographic transitions: population ageing and urbanisation.

Older, single women are the new face of homelessness, says Anglican report

Older single women are the new face of homelessness in Australia, welfare group Anglicare has revealed in a new report that looks at the groups falling through the cracks in society. The State of the Family report, released on Monday, found that older single women were much more vulnerable to poverty and homelessness due to lower workplace participation, lifelong unpaid caring responsibilities an

Socially Healthy Ageing: The Importance of Third Places, Soft Edges and Walkable Neighbourhoods

Population ageing is a complex subject with implications for public policy and urban and regional planning. A key community responsibility of population ageing is to ensure the health and wellbeing of this cohort. In this respect, planning for socially healthy ageing is a critical area requiring urgent and substantial research.

The Future of Housing for Older Australians

The demand for seniors housing is expected to increase significantly in line with the ageing of the population over the coming decades. Broad changes to the housing situations of older people and the household structures in which they live have significant implications for successful ageing.

Ending and Preventing Older Women's Experience of Homelessness in Australia

Older, single women are increasingly vulnerable to housing stress, insecurity and homelessness.

Cohousing: 'It makes sense for people with things in common to live together'

New housing scheme offering older people the chance to live independently but in a shared community. The article discusses a pioneering new housing scheme for older women in North London, where members would move together into a custom-built housing development, in which each would have her own self-contained apartment and front door, but where they would share communal facilities.

Homeless South Australia: A 2015 stocktake of homelessness issues in South Australia

Homelessness has been at the forefront of public policy debate in South Australia since 2002 when the Rann Labor Government was formed and established its social inclusion initiative.

The Meaning of a “Sense of Community” in a Finnish Senior Co-Housing Community

Cohousing schemes are developed to fulfill the need for a housing type that provides mutual support and social contacts while alleviating the isolation and loneliness often experienced in ordinary neighborhoods.

How can we best design housing for Australia’s ageing population?

Few older Australians actually live in non-private housing such as nursing homes. Data from the 2011 Census reveals that 94% of Australians who are 65 or older still live in private housing. More than half live with a partner and another quarter live alone. Australia’s current housing options are not future-proofed for its ageing population.
