Age Specific Housing
Effective downsizing options for older Australians
Downsizing—commonly defined as the act of older people moving to a dwelling with fewer bedrooms, a smaller land area and a lower value is viewed by Government as a way to address affordability and use the housing stock more efficiently.
Housing in an ageing Australia: Nest and nest egg?
This brief is in three parts. Part one tackles the dynamics of the housing purchase in working life, describing the patterns of housing tenure across generations, demographic and market dynamics, the likely future effects of demography on housing demand, and the policies that can affect home purchase outcomes, particularly taxes.
Housing and accommodation for an ageing population: a strategic vision for Derbyshire to 2035
This document outlines the strategic vision for a range of housing and accommodation choices and support suited to meet the requirements of an ageing population in Derbyshire, UK.
Housing Options for Our Ageing Population
Irish people are living longer and healthier lives, which presents both challenges and opportunities for the Government, particularly in the spheres of housing and health. This Policy Statement is an important step in this Government’s response to those challenges.
Dignity and choice An inclusive future for our ageing population
The ageing of our population presents a fundamental challenge for how cities are able to function. This report provides a series of policy proposals to achieve a more inclusive and liveable city.
The Emerging Crisis of Aged Homelessness: Could Housing Solutions Be Funded by Avoidance of Excess Shelter, Hospital, and Nursing Home Costs?
This report summarizes a multi-site study in three localities – Boston, New York City, and Los Angeles County – of the anticipated future of the aged homeless population, its likely impacts on health and shelter systems and resulting costs, and the potential for housing solutions.
Specifically, this report summarizes the following analyses:
- Forecasts of the size of the aged homeless population
3 Innovative Senior Housing Projects That Hold Lessons For Nonprofits
Nonprofit senior living providers have historically driven innovation in the field of aged care in the US.
Housing and Care for Older Women Policy Brief
This brief looks at older women’s housing, their changing needs, and the intersections between housing and aged care in Australia.
11 types of senior living options
As baby boomers have reached retirement age, they’ve recognized the need for more retirement living options than their parents had. This US article examines 11 different options for senior living.
Approaches to Successful Aging in Community from 25 Countries
The desire to remain in our homes and communities as we age is felt around the world.
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