Selina Tually
Understanding and reimagining social housing pathways
This study explores the ways households experience pathways into, within and out of the Australian social housing system.
The role of private rental support programs in housing outcomes for vulnerable Australians
In the last two decades Australia’s rental landscape has been redrawn. As social housing has become focussed on those most in need, and home ownership has become less affordable, the private rental market has become increasingly important.
The role of private rental support programs in housing outcomes for vulnerable Australians
This report is the first output from a study that will shed light on the present role of brokerage programs and their role in the private rental housing market.
Our Homes, Our Communities: The Aspirations and Expectations of Older People in South Australia
This report brings together the outcomes of a comprehensive program of research into the housing needs and aspirations of older South Australians.
This work extended over the period 2006 to 2008 and represents the most comprehensive analysis of the housing desires and conditions of older South Australians currently available.
Too Big to Ignore: Future Issues for Australian Women's Housing 2006-2025
This report was commissioned by the SA Women’s Housing Caucus to provide a picture of what housing for women in Australia will look like in 10 to 20 years time (i.e. from around 2015–2025).