Lifetime Neighbourhoods

‘Ageing in neighbourhood’: what seniors want instead of retirement villages and how to achieve it

As we age, most people prefer to stay in their own homes and communities instead of moving to retirement villages. Some have gone so far as to say retirement villages have had their day. What’s needed instead is adaptable housing and neighbourhoods to help people as they move through life’s stages. Are the days of the retirement village numbered?

Retire the retirement village – the wall and what’s behind it is so 2020

An article examining the results of a study into an ageing Australian society. The Longevity by Design Challenge brought new perspectives to preparing and adapting Australian cities to capitalise on the “longevity” phenomenon over coming decades.

Ageing in Suburban Neighbourhoods: Planning, Densities and Place Assessment

The article examines the environmental qualities perceived by ageing populations in suburban low-density and car-oriented neighbourhoods in comparison to more dense and central areas. The study focuses on Nicosia, Cyprus, a city that suffers from extended sprawl and car dependency in almost every urban district.

Barriers to Aging in Community

A“livable community” is one that has affordable and appropriate housing, supportive community features and services, and adequate mobility options, which together facilitate personal independence and the engagement of residents in civic and social life.

Housing Options for our Ageing Population

The Irish Government's objectives in this Policy Statement 'Housing for an Ageing Population' focus on six principles: - Ageing in Place - Supporting Urban Renewal - Promoting Sustainable Lifetime Housing - Using Assistive Technology - Staying Socially Connected - Working Together

Home truths - Housing options and advice for people in later life: Learning from communities in Leeds

A person’s home is more than the building alone. Being connected to others is fundamental to a happy life at any age, and the environment around our homes must enable all generations to feel a sense of belonging to their local communities and to remain active and connected to others.

Ageing in a Gentrifying Neighbourhood: Experiences of Community Change in Later Life

Debates about gentrification continue to occupy a significant part of research investigating social change within urban communities.

Neighbourhoods of the Future 2019: Growing a Brighter Future for Ourselves

Neighbourhoods of the Future 2019 captures the thoughts and predictions of a veritable `who's who' of distinguished experts and emerging thought leaders. In these pages, you will discover novel concepts for disrupting construction, finance, social and business models. A collection of articles presenting an array of positive housing and life-enhancing options for our future.
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