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Housing in an ageing Australia: Nest and nest egg?

This brief is in three parts. Part one tackles the dynamics of the housing purchase in working life, describing the patterns of housing tenure across generations, demographic and market dynamics, the likely future effects of demography on housing demand, and the policies that can affect home purchase outcomes, particularly taxes.

Rental Affordability Index 2019

Rental affordability for single pensioners is alarmingly poor. Across the nation, the single pensioner household is facing Severely Unaffordable and Extremely Unaffordable rents.

The "Virtual Village" Movement - Ageing's New Frontier How to stay independently in your own home but have all the benefits of a retirement village

Virtual Retirement Villages offer a great new business model for Australian not-for-profit companies and charities who may have run out of ideas and face the prospect of collapse following government aged care funding reform. At the core of these villages are concierge service referrals for members to enable them to find a whole range of services from household repairs to personal trainers and ho

The Forgotten Women - fastest growing homeless population

This presentation looks at the reasons why women aged 55+ are the fastest growing cohort to experience, or be at risk of, homelessness. (National Housing Conference 2019, Darwin)

Learning from past mistakes: lessons from the National Rental Affordability Scheme

All Australians are spending more of their incomes on housing than in the past, but low-income households are feeling the pinch most. Many low-income renters are in poverty, and many more are suffering financial stress. Inequality is increasing because rising housing costs have disproportionately whittled away the income growth of poorer households.

Adapting homes for ageing well in London

In London there are just over 1 million people aged over 65 and that number is expected to grow to 1.2 million by 2024 – an increase of 22% in 10 years. There are 140,000 people aged over 85 in London, and that is expected to increase to 180,000 over 85 by 2024, a 38% increase in 10 years.

Exploring the nexus of energy use, ageing, and health and well-being among older Australians

Researchers have argued that our understandings of energy efficiency should be re-defined to move beyond a concept singularly concerned with saving and cutting back on energy use, to one that acknowledges health, well-being and comfort. An ageing population has significant implications for energy policy, programs and advocacy in Australia.

Ageing with Choice Future directions for seniors housing 2019–2024

Like most developed countries, Australia has an ageing population. The number of people in WA aged 65 or over is projected to grow by 40 per cent to more than 500,000 by 2026. Without access to suitable, affordable homes, more older people will struggle to balance housing and living costs or will be living in homes they cannot manage or maintain.

In the face of depopulation, a Spanish village turns itself into a nursing home

An innovative idea combining aged care and rejuvenation of small isolated villages in Spain. The premise behind the project in Pescueza is to provide support for the village's elderly people, without requiring them to give up their homes.

Older Women's Housing - Pilot Program

In Australia, one of the most disadvantaged demographic profiles is to be ‘old, single, poor, female and in private rental accommodation’. This paper, from the Women's Property Initiatives, looks at ways in which we can address the growing social inequality in this cohort.
