Private Rental

Rental Affordability Snapshot 2020

The Rental Affordability Snapshot is designed to highlight the lived experience of looking for housing while on a low income. It focuses on the Australian population who earn the least income – Commonwealth benefit recipients and minimum wage earners. Every year, Anglicare Australia tests if it is possible for people on low incomes to rent a home in the private market.

‘I really have thought this can’t go on’: loneliness looms for rising numbers of older private renters

Loneliness is increasingly recognised worldwide as a critical social issue and one of the major health hazards of our time. Our research shows older private renters are at high risk of loneliness and anxiety. This is a growing concern as more Australians are renting housing later in life.

We’re delaying major life events, and our retirement income system hasn’t caught up

An article looking at the need to conduct an independent review of Australia’s retirement income system, in view of the fact that old age Australian renters have some of the worst relative poverty rates in the OECD.

Rental Affordability Index 2019

Rental affordability for single pensioners is alarmingly poor. Across the nation, the single pensioner household is facing Severely Unaffordable and Extremely Unaffordable rents.

Vulnerable Private Renters: Evidence and Options

Australia’s private rental market has worked well for most people, most of the time. However, this masks a deterioration in overall housing affordability for vulnerable renters. With vulnerable renters — those who are experiencing social and economic disadvantage — the story is more nuanced.

Exploring the nexus of energy use, ageing, and health and well-being among older Australians

Researchers have argued that our understandings of energy efficiency should be re-defined to move beyond a concept singularly concerned with saving and cutting back on energy use, to one that acknowledges health, well-being and comfort. An ageing population has significant implications for energy policy, programs and advocacy in Australia.

Delivering equity: A new deal for pensioners who rent

This report is the third in KPMG’s series on workforce discrimination against women. It makes public policy suggestions to support an especially disadvantaged group in which women are over‑represented — those over 50 years of age who are renting privately.

Older female renters are the 'canary in the coal mine' for housing affordability

There are a growing number of Australians facing rental stress in their retirement. Home ownership rates are falling and mortgage debts are rising for many older Australians. Also, the number of private renters in the 54-64 age group is projected to increase by over 50 per cent to 567,000 in 2031. And it's getting harder for older renters to find adequate and secure housing.

A precarious place: older women, housing insecurity & homelessness

For many women, home is a provisional place. This has long been true. Violence, dispossession and poverty are not new. What is recent is the increase in the number of women over the age of 55 experiencing housing stress, insecurity and homelessness.

Older renters doing it tough – what’s the answer?

Australia has the highest rate of seniors rental poverty in the OECD. 15% of older Australians don’t own or are paying off their own home. Rental costs have increased significantly over the past 10 years. While rents increased 29 per cent over that period, the Commonwealth Rental Allowance increased by only 23 per cent.
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