Amity James
Effective downsizing options for older Australians
Downsizing—commonly defined as the act of older people moving to a dwelling with fewer bedrooms, a smaller land area and a lower value is viewed by Government as a way to address affordability and use the housing stock more efficiently.
Older Australians and the housing aspirations gap
This report examined the housing aspirations of older Australians, defined as households over the age of 55. Within this research, housing aspirations were explored through the AHA survey, where respondents selected their ideal location, number of bedrooms, dwelling type and tenure.
The Private Rental Sector in Australia: Public perceptions of quality and affordability
This report examines the national state of the private rental system in Australia. While growing in size, it has also changed in terms of composition.
Older Renters in the Western Australian Private Rental Sector: Strategies to enhance housing security for WA's older renters
More people are reaching retirement age without owning a home, and the number of older people residing in the private rental market is increasing.