New South Wales

Housing an Ageing Australia: The Ideal of Security of Tenure and the Undermining Effect of Elder Abuse

This article considers the degree of legal security of tenure and ontological security in various forms of accommodation utilised by older people. In so doing, the article examines how elder abuse can dilute legal and ontological security and makes suggestions as to how existing real property laws could be utilised and amended to safeguard housing security for older people

Build-to-rent: a potential solution to Australia's housing problem

“We are heading for a lose-lose scenario unless we supply the basic fundamental need of shelter for all, rich and poor,” says Robert Pradolin, a civil engineer and registered builder with a graduate diploma in property and an MBA. He is using his industry expertise to cobble together creative coalitions between big business and the charitable sector to quickly provide short-term housing in Melbou

Pop-up shelter initiative helps homeless older women

An innovative approach to the temporary use of a vacant building site owned by Uniting, the service arm of the Uniting Church, is providing a temporary safe haven for older homeless women who are literally left out in the cold when it comes to specialist homelessness services.

Life as an older renter

The New South Wales government has introduced a bill to reform the Residential Tenancies Act. This act sets out the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in private rental accommodation in NSW. It is getting harder for older renters to find adequate, appropriate and secure housing. Older women – the focus of my work – are at particular risk.

Life as an older renter and what it tells us about the urgent need for reform

It is getting harder for older renters to find adequate, appropriate and secure housing. Older women – the focus of my work – are at particular risk. This is due to longer life expectancy, lower incomes across the life course, and less access to benefits like superannuation.

"The older I get the scarier it becomes": Older people at risk of homelessness in New South Wales

The older I get the scarier it becomes report shows that there has been a 50% increase in the number of older people at risk of homelessness in NSW in the last five years.

Cohousing for Seniors

Housing the ageing population of NSW in homes that are affordable, accessible and stable presents a major challenge for the state, particularly in a time of rising housing costs. New models are needed to address social isolation, tenure insecurity, care costs and seniors’ aspirations to age in place. Cohousing may be one such model.

Inquiry into the NSW Retirement Village Sector Report

This report presents the Inquiry into the NSW Retirement Village;s findings and makes 17 recommendations to improve the legislative framework for retirement villages and the operational practices of both the industry and the regulator, NSW Fair Trading. It recommned that the operation of the retirement village sector be improved in three key areas: - increasing the transparency of exit fees and

Housing an Ageing Population - An approach to improving housing affordability, liveability and financial resilience for senior Australians

This presentation examines the concept of cohousing as a way of addressing the housing affordability crisis in Australia, particularly how it affects those in the older cohort of 65+. Cohousing can help address policy challenges associated with an ageing population, rising health care costs and housing affordability.

Metro-based retirees affected by housing affordability

The latest Milliman Retirement Expectations and Spending Profiles report found that those retires who rent privately in Sydney saw their annual cost of living two-thirds higher in order to enjoy the same life quality as homeowners.
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