New South Wales
Housing Insecurity and Older People in NSW
Outlining the recommendations made to the NSW Government, including: housing and older people and insecure housing and older people. This is a live document that will be updated as legislative changes are made.
Dignity and choice: An inclusive future for our ageing population
Around the world, advanced economies are grappling with the challenges of an ageing population. Despite this, city shaping decisions are often made without sufficient consideration of how cities will change over the coming decades.
Can the popularity of tiny homes provide a solution for older women facing homelessness?
The number of women over the age of 55 experiencing housing stress and homelessness is rising in Australia, but the increasing interest in tiny homes may provide a viable solution for these women. Now moves are afoot on the NSW mid-north coast to establish a tiny home village, specifically for older women.
Dignity and choice An inclusive future for our ageing population
The ageing of Sydney's population presents a fundamental challenge for how cities are able to function. Policy makers will need to embrace a paradigm shift that views city and project planning through a lens where a full 42% of the population sits outside of the working age bracket of 15-64.
Housing Choices for Older Women
There has been an 88% growth in women over 55 years accessing homelessness services in NSW over the last 3 years.
This presentation examines the housing needs of older women; housing design principles; and effective housing solutions for this this growing cohort of the Australian population.
(National Housing Conference 2019, Darwin)
'Meanwhile use' properties offer potential as a short-term solution to social housing needs
A vacant Sydney nursing home awaiting redevelopment has been lent to a women's shelter, with experts claiming examples like this could offer a short-term solution to Australia's lack of public housing. It is designed to bridge the gap between crisis accommodation and permanent living.
Dignity and choice An inclusive future for our ageing population
The ageing of our population presents a fundamental challenge for how cities are able to function. This report provides a series of policy proposals to achieve a more inclusive and liveable city.
Housing Plus Invests $75m to Address Central West and Orana Housing Shortage
The NSW Central West region’s ageing population, in particular vulnerable older women, are set to benefit from a $75M investment by Housing Plus.
Housing Plus, a local, regionally based community housing provider, is delivering 220 new social and affordable homes across Orange, Dubbo and Bathurst in the next three years, with the first properties becoming available in October 2019.
A longer lease on life: issues for older renters
With a surplus of $3.9 billion for 2016-17, the 2018 NSW State Budget had its winners and losers. The latter include seniors and renters. This blog examine some of the issues confronting older renters.
Housing an Ageing Australia: The Ideal of Security of Tenure and the Undermining Effect of Elder Abuse
This article considers the degree of legal security of tenure and ontological security in various forms of accommodation utilised by older people. In so doing, the article examines how elder abuse can dilute legal and ontological security and makes suggestions as to how existing real property laws could be utilised and amended to safeguard housing security for older people
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