
An effective homelessness services system for older Australians

This research is part of a wider AHURI Inquiry into an effective homelessness service system and this project is focussed on the following questions: • What is the appropriate balance between early intervention, prevention and crisis services for older homeless people, and between specialist and mainstream services, in order to provide the most efficient and effective response to this group’s need

Vital Conversations - Giving Older Women in Greater Melbourne a Voice

The findings of the Greater Melbourne Vital Signs 2017 indicated that older women were facing challenges and, in some cases, extreme disadvantage across diverse aspects of their lives.

Public Housing Redevelopments Impact Older Persons’ Health and Wellbeing

The Victorian State Government’s public housing renewal program is a plan to sell land on existing public housing estates to private developers with a return of a ten per cent increase in public housing. This plan includes the relocation of current tenants to other public housing properties.

Housing Related Challenges for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities

Older people from CALD backgrounds make up around 25 per cent of all older people in Australia. Though older CALD communities face many of the same barriers to housing experienced by the older population as a whole, such as inappropriate, insecure and unaffordable housing, they are also more likely to encounter additional challenges.

Out of the frying pan into the fire: The experiences of Housing for the Aged Action Group clients referred to Independent Living Units

Outlines the experiences of clients seeking an Independent Living Unit (ILU), the experiences of clients with their housing since seeking retirement advice, and their perceptions of HAAG’s services.

Things to consider when working with older women who are experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness

This document outlines issues for practitioners and service providers to consider when working with older women who are experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. The target audience is primarily practitioners and service providers who are not experienced and/or specialised in providing services to older women experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness.

Poverty in Australia 2018

This is the ACOSS/UNSW Poverty and Inequality Partnership Report No. 2. The analysis of poverty in this report begins with the poverty line used in most international poverty research: 50% of median household disposable income. Housing tenure has a major impact on poverty.

"The older I get the scarier it becomes": Older people at risk of homelessness in New South Wales

The older I get the scarier it becomes report shows that there has been a 50% increase in the number of older people at risk of homelessness in NSW in the last five years.

Finding a Suitable Home for Older People at Risk of Homelessness in South Australia Summary Report

An emerging group of older South Australians on low incomes, the majority women, are living in insecure private rental housing paying unaffordable rents and just surviving on a pension.Many have lived conven onal working lives but find themselves in later life without housing security or affordability because they have not a ained home ownership or been eligible for public housing.Entering re reme

Ageing and homelessness: solutions to a growing problem

This report compiles existing research and data to present an overview of the current issues around ageing and homelessness in Australia. The report explores the precursors and drivers of homelessness for older people, and also provides solutions and recommendations to respond to the growing problem.
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