CALD Communites

Older women, migrants swell the number of Australia's homeless

The number of people who are homeless in Australia has soared by almost 15 per cent, with newly released Census data showing people living in “severely” overcrowded dwellings are the greatest contributors to this increase. More than 116,400 Australians were homeless on Census night in 2016 – compared to 102,400 in 2011, new data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals.

How can Italy support its homeless women?

In 2014, 14.3% of Italy's homeless population were women. The typical woman was 45+, with more than 50% of the homeless women being of foreign nationality. The article discusses the causes for this rise in female homelessness and looks at the Italian experience in the broader context of Europe

Independent Living Units: Underfunded and Misunderstood

Australia has an aging population with diverse backgrounds and experiences; 37 per cent of older Australians were born overseas. Historical and contemporary privileges and disadvantages have impacted different Australians’ ability to gain and maintain employment, accrue savings, build financial literacy, contribute to superannuation, own property and prepare for a secure, enjoyable retirement in l

Housing Related Challenges for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities

Older people from CALD backgrounds make up around 25 per cent of all older people in Australia. Though older CALD communities face many of the same barriers to housing experienced by the older population as a whole, such as inappropriate, insecure and unaffordable housing, they are also more likely to encounter additional challenges.

The Intersection Between Sustainability and Age-Friendly Development

This chapter explores the intersection between sustainable development and the age-friendly project in Portland by detailing a case study of factors that affected the planning and development of sustainable, affordable housing for older adults in Portland.

Ageing without a home

The reasons for the increase of homeless seniors are many - the size of our aged population is growing at a faster rate than ever; there's a chronic shortage of affordable housing in capital cities; there’s been an increase in the number of older people renting; and upward pressure on rent prices means can leave an older person at risk of losing their lease.

Housing Boomers: A report on housing issues facing South Australia’s older population

Shelter SA is the peak body for housing in South Australia advocating for safe, secure and affordable housing for all citizens. Shelter SA advocates for and communicates with a wide range of housing organisations and consumer groups. One of the largest groups of housing consumers, and one that is set to increase rapidly in coming years, is the older population.

Muslims in Australia and their aged care needs: An exploratory study with special reference to South Australia

The Report “MUSLIMS IN AUSTRALIA AND THEIR AGED CARE NEEDS: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SOUTH AUSTRALIA” was prepared for the Islamic Information Centre of South Australia (IICSA) as an important step toward making aged care in general, and residential care in particular, responsive to the needs of the Muslim community in South Australia.
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