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Ease the affordable-housing burden for older Californians

The disproportionate impact of evictions and soaring rents on older Californians is a frequently overlooked element of the state’s affordable housing crisis.

Housing plans of the oldest: ageing in semi-rural areas in Sweden

Due to the out migration of the young from rural areas and increased life expectancy of the old, the population of these areas in particular is ageing.

Dignity and choice An inclusive future for our ageing population

The ageing of Sydney's population presents a fundamental challenge for how cities are able to function. Policy makers will need to embrace a paradigm shift that views city and project planning through a lens where a full 42% of the population sits outside of the working age bracket of 15-64.

Ageing to our full potential – preparing for an older Australia

The Australian aged care system is in crisis as more older Australians are facing the prospect of being unable to access the care they need when they need it.

Housing options for older people in a reimagined housing system: a case study from England

The housing options of older people in the UK now extend far beyond the traditional choice between staying put and making do, or moving to specialist housing or residential care. A flexible suite of options has emerged, centred on promoting independence and well-being. This reflects a tendency within analysis to consider these different housing options in isolation.

'Meanwhile use' properties offer potential as a short-term solution to social housing needs

A vacant Sydney nursing home awaiting redevelopment has been lent to a women's shelter, with experts claiming examples like this could offer a short-term solution to Australia's lack of public housing. It is designed to bridge the gap between crisis accommodation and permanent living.

Inquiry into decent and accessible homes for older people

The All-Party Parliamentary Group was established to engage with the political and legislative issues affecting people in later life.

Why more older Australians are living in shared housing

An increasing number of older Australians are living in share housing. A relatively new group to emerge on the share-housing scene, they are choosing to share for financial reasons, but finding unexpected social benefits. Share housing across all age groups shows it’s mainly driven by financial constraints. In older age, the experience of this is gendered.

Housing in an ageing Australia: Nest and nest egg?

Homeownership serves multiple purposes over the life cycle: It acts as a home as well as a store of wealth to guarantee financial security in retirement. Its lack in old age compromises security of both tenure and finances. Much has been written about housing and homeownership. Here we apply the prism of population ageing to bring new insights to the topic. This brief is in three parts.

The APPROPRIATE (Accommodation Provision for People of Retirement Age or Older, Predicated on Research and Investigation using Approved Techniques and Evidence) and RIGHTSIZING Study

This report presents the findings of a study for the Gwent Health, Social Care and Housing Partnership which researches the aspirations for appropriate housing solutions for older people in Gwent, which would enable them to live happily, healthily, safely and independently in later life. The report also describes the reasons why older people do not want to move to appropriate housing in later lif
