
Supporting People as They Age in Community: Housing

This article explores the ways in which Rhode Island can and is supporting its older residents to age in place in the community, particularly in relation to housing. Aging in community can be a healthier, happier option for many seniors, but only if they have the right resources and support, starting with suitable housing.

Housing requirements for a ageing society

Various countries in the world have been experiencing a rapid ageing in population.

Ideas for Change 2017: Extra Care Housing in Lincolnshire

With current housing models struggling to meet the needs of a changing population now and for the future, students of the School of Architecture and Design, School of Health and Social Care and School of Business, University of Lincoln were challenged with understanding those needs and translating them into innovative design ideas for Extra Care Housing in Lincolnshire. This document is a develop

Introduction to special issue: aging in place

The concept of aging in place has been discussed as a phenomenon, goal, or process. Initially the focus was on “place” as dwelling and evolved to “relationships” in a community. Thus, aging in community or age-friendly community reflect an updated focus for researchers, policymakers, and service providers.

Ageing Well: A Housing Manifesto

Most people want to age well at home, remaining part of their community and involved with family and friends.

Housing an Ageing Population - An approach to improving housing affordability, liveability and financial resilience for senior Australians

This presentation examines the concept of cohousing as a way of addressing the housing affordability crisis in Australia, particularly how it affects those in the older cohort of 65+. Cohousing can help address policy challenges associated with an ageing population, rising health care costs and housing affordability.

Aging and Age-Friendly Policy in Ontario’s Mid-Sized Cities

The most significant demographic shifts towards an aging population in Canada are occurring in small (population 10,000-50,000) and mid-sized (population 50,000-500,000) cities. These cities often have fewer resources to examine, evaluate and respond to local challenges than their big city counterparts. Small cities are most affected by aging, but may lack the resources to respond.

Community Building for Old Age: Breaking New Ground. The UK’s first senior cohousing community, High Barnet

This paper offers a case study in active community-building. It describes an initiative conceived and driven by a group of older women who, understanding that living alone as they grew old could leave them vulnerable, looked to each other to develop and share their social capital.

Ageing in the Bush: An ageing in place strategy for Regional Western Australia

The State Wide Ageing in the Bush project was an initiative of the Regional Development Council of Western Australia with the objective to “identify aged care models for regional WA that will enable residents to age in their community”. A number of models to address state wide issues have been developed.

Do the generations need each other or “never the twain should meet”?

This paper examines the position of the older person within the housing system and puts forward innovative and inspirational ideas for the retirement sector in Wales. However, the main theme has to be the need for a radical transformation of the Welsh retirement sector so that the options available are vibrant, provide lifelong purpose and participation, companionship and visitability.
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