
The Meaning of a “Sense of Community” in a Finnish Senior Co-Housing Community

Cohousing schemes are developed to fulfill the need for a housing type that provides mutual support and social contacts while alleviating the isolation and loneliness often experienced in ordinary neighborhoods.

Ageing in Cities - Policy Highlights

This report provides policy makers with insights and tools to mitigate the challenges of ageing societies and make the most of the opportunities they present. Three considerations underpin the assessment: - Ageing societies are not “a problem” as such. - Ageing societies are not simply societies of “older people”.

The Finnish Homelessness Strategy: An International Review

The review covered the whole of the programme to reduce long-term homelessness implemented during 2008–2011 and 2012–2015, Paavo I and Paavo II. The review focused on the programme as a whole as well as its different aspects from the point of view of implementing the Housing First model in Finnish society.

Smart Cities and the Ageing Population

Due to a growing number of elderly people, it is a necessity to create the cities that are aware of the special needs of all their citizens including the needs of aging populations.

80+ living in Scandinavia

Average life expectancy in Scandinavia is increasing, anticipating that the number of people aged over 80 will double in the next decades in Scandinavia. Care for the elderly is therefore being reappraised and developed.

The Nordic Model: evolutions in care and space for the dependant ageing in Sweden with some relevance to Denmark and Norway

During the 20th century, the Nordic countries, Denmark with Faroe Islands and Greenland, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, have realized five different but similar-looking welfare states, in which social services are distributed in an egalitarian and uniform way. This paper focuses on eldercare and architecture intended to be used for eldercare.

The Finnish Homelessness Strategy: From a 'Staircase' Model to a "Housing First' Approach to Tackling Long-term Homelessness

This paper reviews the Finnish government’s recently established Programme to Reduce Long-Term Homelessness, which is attempting to halve long-term homelessness over the period 2008 to 2011. It outlines the current homeless situation in Finland and describes the development of the present system of provision.
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