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Housing Transitions: Older People’s changing housing needs

The purpose of this paper is to focus on the findings that relate to older people remaining in, or moving from, their home in later life.

Putting Retirement Housing In Order

There are around 200,000 older people living in the private retirement housing sector. Many residents and their relatives are becoming increasingly concerned about what they see as unreasonable and unjustifiable charges made by some landlords and managing agents. This paper examines the issues around affordability in the private retirement housing sector in the UK.

Self-Managed Co-Housing in France and Germany: Future Prospects in the Context of an Aging Population

Among the various forms of intermediate housing, between residential care and home care, the self-managed group housing of the elderly is still underdeveloped in France.

It could be you: Female, Single, Older and Homeless

This report documents a collaborative project which sought to interrogate the experience of older women and the re ection of that experience in policy. The project sought an inclusive homelessness defnition, and to build a more robust knowledge base through which to inform policy and service delivery to this group.

The Wicking Project outcomes: Supporting older people living with alcohol related brain injury

The Wicking project developed and evaluated a specialized model of residential care to support a group of older people living with alcohol-related brain injury (ARBI) and challenging behavior. The aim of the project was to determine the effectiveness of this model at improving participant life quality and well-being.

Routes out of Poverty and Isolation for Older Homeless People: Possible Models from Poland and the UK

Policies in many EU countries have sought to address the link between worklessness, reliance on state benefits and the attendant poverty that they inevitably bring. However, the focus has tended to be on the acquisition of skills and education amongst younger people.

A Better Place: Victorian Homelessness 2020 Strategy

Homelessness is caused by a wide range of social and economic issues such as: poverty, unemployment, violence, drug and alcohol abuse, mental health issues, poor education, and a lack of connection to family, friends and the broader community. To prevent and reduce homelessness those broader social and economic issues must be addressed.

The New Homelessness Revisited

The ‘new homelessness’ has drawn sustained attention from scholars over the past three decades. Definitional inconsistencies and data limitations rendered early work during this period largely speculative in nature. Thanks to conceptual, theoretical, and methodological progress, however, the research literature now provides a fuller understanding of homelessness.

Women and Homelessness

> Abstract_ There has been a relative paucity of European research on women’s homelessness since the European Observatory on Homelessness promoted the first overall study on the subject in 2001.

Older women and homelessness, a literature review

The catalyst for this literature review, which is a joint initiative of the City of Booroondara and the Salvation Army EastCare, was the lack of service options, coupled with the increasing demand for services to provide appropriate housing and support for older women, including women from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.Unfortunately, the plight of older women confronting
