Special Report

Extent and Profile of Homelessness in European Member States – A Statistical Update

This report looks at statistics for the homeless population across Europe. While not specific to an aged population, this cohort is examined in the wider context. The report concludes there are many dimensions of homelessness that may exist across different contexts, a potentially important one being the possibility of quite simple associations between some forms of homelessness and poverty.

The Future Housing and Support Needs of Older People in Northern Ireland

The project brief required: an analysis of demographic and policy trends to support informed decision making regarding future housing need assessment for older people; collation of information on the existing supply of accommodation for elderly people in relation to the distribution of the elderly population; and a ten-year projection, from 2006 to 2016, of the future housing needs of older people

Environmentally Sustainable Affordable Housing

The 2007 ULI/Shaw Forum on Urban Community Issues addressed a topic of increasing interest to the affordable housing community: What can be done to make environmentally sustainable affordable housing the standard practice of the day? Pairing green building with affordable housing is a natural fit.

Housing Choices and Aspirations of Older People - Research from the New Horizons Programme

This UK report was commissioned by Communities and Local Government as part of a larger project to support the development of the National Strategy for Housing in an Ageing Society. Researchers at the University of York undertook eight focus groups composed of ‘younger’ older people (aged 48 to 64), and ‘older’ old people (aged 65 and above) to explore the influences on participants’ housing deci

Ageing in Place the Way Forward

Population ageing is a significant phenomenon of the 21st century which manifest in economic, social and personal challenges and pressures for societies world-wide. Nowhere is this truer than in regard to accommodation for older citizens. Many countries are increasingly adopting policies supporting the notion of Ageing-in-Place.
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