Journal Article

Housing an Ageing Australia: The Ideal of Security of Tenure and the Undermining Effect of Elder Abuse

This article considers the degree of legal security of tenure and ontological security in various forms of accommodation utilised by older people. In so doing, the article examines how elder abuse can dilute legal and ontological security and makes suggestions as to how existing real property laws could be utilised and amended to safeguard housing security for older people

The Challenges of Urban Ageing: Making Cities Age-Friendly in Europe

This article explores and describes the challenges that are encountered when making cities age-friendly in Europe. Such challenges include the creation of inclusive neighbourhoods and the implementation of technology for ageing-in-place.

Shared Housing Arrangements in Germany—An Equitable Alternative to Long Term Care Services beyond Homes and Institutions?

Germany has experienced a growing interest and investment in innovative models of aged care that can provide more choice and flexibility to beneficiaries, while reducing the need for costly institutionalization. One model that has gained special attention is shared housing arrangements, in which a limited number of six to eight people in need of care rent private rooms in ordinary apartment build

The meaning of home for ageing women living alone: An evolutionary concept analysis

The concept of home to women ageing should be visited in the light of ongoing cultural, political, temporal and disciplinary evolutions. In part, to complement policies increasing focus on supporting older adults to age in place and a growing attention on the home as a place where healthcare is designed and provided.

Ageing in the margins: expectations of and struggles for ‘a good place to grow old’ among low-income older Minnesotans

What constitutes a ‘good place to grow old’? This US study aimed to characterize salient features of built and social environments that are essential to support low-income ageing residents.

A Novel Cohousing Project for Older Women and Implications for Loneliness

In this article, we describe a novel approach in older persons’ housing, a recently established cohousing development, ‘New Ground’ in London, UK. Cohousing is a form of grouped housing designed and managed by those who reside within it.

A Global Pilot Study of Age-Friendly City Indicators

This study evaluated the process by which core indicators of Age-Friendly Cities were measured in diverse contexts worldwide. The indicators were developed through research and international expert consultation, and piloted in 15 communities from 12 countries in 2014–2015.

A Manifesto for the Age-Friendly Movement: Developing a New Urban Agenda

Developing age-friendly cities and communities has become a key part of policies aimed at improving the quality of life of older people in urban areas. The World Health Organization has been especially important in driving the “age-friendly” agenda, notably through its global network of age-friendly cities and communities.

An alternative for whom? The evolution and socio-economy of Danish cohousing

The article demonstrates how the development of Danish cohousing has been undergirded by distinct shifts in dominant tenure forms. Secondly, it shows that inhabitants in contemporary Danish cohousing are socio-economically distinct. This does not diminish the value of cohousing, but it problematises assumptions about the social sustainability of this housing form.
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