Age Specific Housing

Housing America's Older Adults - 2018: A Supplement to the State of the Nation Report

More than half of US households are now headed by someone at least 50 years of age. These 65 million older households are highly diverse in their living situations, financial resources, health and functional abilities, and life stages, and thus require different types of housing to meet their needs and preferences.

Housing for older people

This UK inquiry has revealed that housing for older people is a complex topic covering the situation for people who ‘stay put’ as much as those who move and what they move to. There are a range of issues involved from home maintenance and adaptations to the role of housing in health and social care integration.

Meeting the Housing Needs of Older Adults in Montgomery County

Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, is a community offering high-quality services and amenities to people of all ages and at all stages of life. The County scores particularly high among older adults in terms of its health services, public safety, and parks and activities. However, only 50 percent of residents 55+ said that Montgomery County was a good place to retire.

Housing Choices for Older People in Ireland - Time for Action

The goal of this report is to drive discussion and offer solutions which provide choice in housing for older people in Ireland.

The Future of Housing for the Elderly: Four Strategies that Can Make a Difference

In the US, in the last several years, there has been a broad-based effort to re-frame the discussion about housing for the elderly and reaffirm that housing matters. Housing locations, including the individual homes of older persons, are becoming major long-term care and health delivery sites.

How we can design and build the right homes for the older people of today — and tomorrow

As the proportion of older people in populations around the world grows, so too does demand for age-appropriate housing. In 2016, a UK study found that while many older people want to downsize, they often find they can’t.

Elder Cohousing: The Epitome of Aging in Community

Intentional communities of elders who choose to not just live in close proximity, but also to share meals and keep a close eye on each other, have seen an upsurge in the past decade in the United States. These communities differ from other types of retirement communities because they are planned and managed by residents, and purposefully designed to promote social contact.

Rural Housing for an Ageing Population: Preserving Independence

This UK report presents the findings of our All-Party Parliamentary Group’s latest Inquiry: Rural Housing for our Ageing Population: Preserving Independence, the fourth in this series of “HAPPI” reports covering different aspects of housing and care for older people. Our underlying concern is with the growing numbers of older people in rural communities who will face a huge challenge to their ind

Elder Cohousing - Research and Resources

International resources and research on co-housing and the elderly.

Designing Homes for an Ageing Population

Improved health and longevity in Ireland will lead to significant advances in how long people choose to work into old age, and presents huge opportunities for new thinking about positive attitudes towards ageing. As discussed in this report, this will place demands on Ireland’s social welfare and pensions system, and – without reform of housing policy the need for nursing homes and acute hospital
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