Single people & housing stress

On the Edge: the Financial Situation of Older Renters in the Private Rental Market in Sydney

In this study, based mainly on 17 in‐depth interviews, I explore the financial implications of being an older private renter in Sydney. I illustrate that there are three key factors which determine their degree of financial stress – the actual rent being paid; the degree of support from family members and whether the older renter is living in a single or couple household.

Nowhere To Go - Older Women and Housing Vulnerability

In 2011, according to ABS Census data, there were 135,494 women aged 55 and older in the private rental market, up from 91,549 who were counted in the 2006 Census. These figures are likely to underestimate the real number of older women who are renters, especially those with an informal or sublet rental agreement.

The housing crisis destroying the lives of single women

The single older woman who doesn’t own her own home has become one of the most at-risk groups in Australia due to the rising cost of rent and the lack of jobs for older Australians.

Older, single women are the new face of homelessness, says Anglican report

Older single women are the new face of homelessness in Australia, welfare group Anglicare has revealed in a new report that looks at the groups falling through the cracks in society. The State of the Family report, released on Monday, found that older single women were much more vulnerable to poverty and homelessness due to lower workplace participation, lifelong unpaid caring responsibilities an

Adaptive Reuse : Accommodating Canberra's Working and Ageing Poor

A new report into housing affordability has called for urgent action to develop and subsidise smaller housing stock in Canberra. The Safe and Well green paper revealed an estimated 20,000 Canberra households were experiencing housing stress, with rent consuming up to 70 per cent of incomes. Other contributors to the green paper see opportunity in some of Canberra's more than 100,000 square

The hidden housing problem: older and still renting

Increasing numbers of people in their 50s and 60s are renting. In Australia, we’re not meant to be renters in retirement. Our age pension system is built on the assumption we’ll own our homes outright. That’s why our age pension is low relative to other countries’ – because housing costs in older age are assumed to be low, too.

Housing Affordability Stress: understanding the 30:40 indicator

The 30:40 indicator identifies households as being in housing affordability stress when the household has an income level in the bottom 40 per cent of Australia's income distribution and is paying more than 30 per cent of its income in housing costs.

The Trajectory Towards Marginality: How Do Older Australians Find Themselves Dependent on the Private Rental Market?

For older Australians being dependent on the private rental market is usually associated with serious financial hardship and insecurity. This article examines the housing careers of older Australians who are dependent on the private rental market. The article explores the trajectory into the private rental market and finds a crucial factor was an inability to access social housing.

Understanding single older women's invisibility in housing issues in Australia

Abstract This paper examines the available literature on single older non-home owning women in Australia and their housing issues. Preliminary information suggests that this subset of the population is increasingly at risk of becoming homeless or inadequately housed in later life. In fact, there is a historical dearth of research on women’s housing in general.
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