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Thousands of over-55s pushed to the front of social housing queue

Seven thousand people at risk of homelessness in Victoria will be moved onto a high-priority waiting list for secure social housing, but on one condition – they must be aged 55 or older. In May the Andrews government gazetted a new social housing category solely for those aged 55 and older

Living in Fear: Experiences of Older Private-Renters in London

The private-rented sector is too often characterised by insecurity, poor living conditions, high rents and lack of choice, meaning that many tenants experience instability and inequality.

Being Homeless and Becoming Housed: The Interplay of Fateful Moments and Social Support in Neo-liberal Context

This paper presents a qualitative analysis of stories of adults who transitioned from being absolutely homeless to becoming housed. Participants’ stories are particularly salient for what they reveal about this transition in the midst of other challenges including substance use, criminalization, and violence, and within a neoliberal social policy context.

The Dementia Village: Between Community and Society

Based on ethnographic fieldwork in Germany’s first Dementia Village, this paper shows how the creation of a Dementia Village—created as a communal space for its residents that is governed by societal standards of care—ties into long-standing traditions in social thought and speaks to the tension of combining sociality with rationalised bureaucratic efficiency. The paper begins with an introductio

Partnering for impact to reduce homelessness in Queensland

'Partnering for Impact' details the broad directions and initial actions to generate innovation and revitalisation in the Queensland Government's response to homelessness. The first step will implement 5-year service agreements for existing services.

Three reasons the government promotes home ownership for older Australians

Government strategies to manage population ageing largely assume that older Australians are home owners. There is often an implied association between home ownership and ageing well: that is, older Australians who own homes are seen as having made the right choices and as being less of a budget burden. The problem with this approach is that not everyone is or can be a home owner.

The Future of Renting Among Older Adults

Since 2005, the number of US renter households aged 50+ has increased dramatically, jumping from 10 to nearly 15 million, and accounting for more than half of all renter growth over the past decade. The baby boom cohort, now aged 50-69, is responsible for most of the increase in older renters. This cohort will continue to drive up the number of renters in their 70s and beyond.

A Look At Sustainability In Senior Living

There is an increasing demand and expectation in the US for green retirement communities. There is the opportunity to create buildings and communities that intentionally promote health and wellness. The focus is on good design, improved indoor air quality and improving the overall environment of the building and facilities.

How a Group of Female Seniors Decided to Forgo a Retirement Home for a Co-Living Space

An article about the Toronto project of senior co-housing for older women based on the French La Maison des babayagas, or The Babayagas' House.

Pathways to homelessness among older people in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Brazil’s rapid development has led to profound social and economic stresses. It is one of the world’s most unequal countries; the poorest 20% share just 2% of the nation’s income. A third of the population lives in extreme poverty, unemployment is high and a quarter of all jobs are in the informal sector.
