Myfan Jordan

Home for Good: Improving the Private Rental Market for Older Australians

Once considered a short-term housing option primarily for young adults, the private rental housing sector now accommodates 27 per cent of all households in Australia, with residents renting for much longer periods than in previous decades. With diverse housing types covering a geographical range from urban to rural, the private rental sector can work well for the 6.3 million renters who can affor

Older and poorer: Retirement Income Review can’t ignore the changing role of home

The assumption that retired people have minimal housing costs underpins the settings of our retirement incomes system. But the real state of housing for older Australians today makes it critical for the Retirement Incomes Review to look at the evidence that now challenges this assumption.

Mutual Appreciation: A Social Innovation Think Piece

A triple threat is looming in relation to ageing in Australia, one with particular implications for women. While access to secure and affordable housing can mean the difference between poverty and a decent life in older age, full home ownership in Australia is increasingly a privilege. As we age, housing takes on particular significance.

Mutual Appreciation: A Social Innovation Thinkpiece

Global trends and domestic policy have challenged Australia’s traditional owner-occupier housing model and undermined the assumption of zero housing costs in retirement that underpins both our retirement income and aged care systems. Housing has become a commodity, a place where investors grow wealth to hand down inter-generationally while others become increasingly vulnerable to housing stress.
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