Going it alone: Single, low needs women and hidden homelessness
In early 2006 WISHIN (Women’s Information Support and Housing in the North) was approached by North East Housing Service (NEHS) who were concerned about the number of single women over 35, without dependents who were ringing their service for assistance and whom they were unable to assist.
The implications of loss of a partner for older private renters
This report aims to examine the effects of divorce, separation or bereavement on the housing and related financial circumstances of people aged 50 or over in different housing tenures, and in particular those on income support payments.
I’m the slice of pie that’s ostracised …. Foucault’s technologies, and personal agency, in the voice of women who are homeless, Adelaide, South Australia
In contrast to the international research (particularly in the United Kingdom and North America), much of the Australian literature regarding homelessness to date omits the perspective of people who are homeless. In contributing to the fledgling Australian literature in the field, the following article adopts a secondary approach to the data analysis of original research.
Women, Housing and Transitions Out of Homelessness
This is the second of two main reports for the project “Women, housing and transitions out of homelessness”. The earlier Stage 2 Report (Jerome et al, 2002) was based on an extensive, systematic review of the national and international literature on homelessness and specifically women’s homelessness.
Women and Homelessness: Innovative Practice and Exit Pathways
The face of women now appears as a significant feature of the ‘new homelessness’.
While the ideology of the traditional nuclear family model persists in spite of changing demographic trends, it is argued that homelessness is defined in terms of men’s experiences and practices or men’s subjectivities hides women’s homelessness.
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