
Elderly care systems around the world

With quality of life improving and medical care advancing across the globe, the human population is ageing. This is an investigation into how elderly care systems differ on a country-by-country basis, with some more reliant on state support than others.

Designing Multigenerational Dwelling A Workshop with Four Flemish Architecture Firms

Due to social shifts, demographic changes and spatial challenges, housing is at the top of the social agenda in Flanders. Recently, communal housing concepts are being put forward to strive against these general developments. This paper presents research on multigenerational dwelling.

Developing Age-Friendly Cities: Case Studies from Brussels and Manchester and Implications for Policy and Practice

Developing age-friendly communities has become a significant dimension in debates in social policy. This chapter aims to provide a comparison of the age-friendly approaches in two European cities , Brussels and Manchester , with a particular focus on policies and initiatives that promote active ageing in an urban context.

A Good Life in Old Age? Monitoring and Improving Quality in Long-Term Care,

Long-term care in Belgium is viewed as a health risk and institutional arrangements reflect a “medical model” of care delivery (as opposed to a welfare model). Belgium’s public health insurance system provides for comprehensive universal coverage for all cost associated with acquiring assistance for daily activities.
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