Older people's housing, care and support needs in Greater Cambridge 2017-2036

Addressing the needs of a rapidly ageing population in both SCDC and Cambridge City will require decisive action. It is acknowledged in recent policy and research documents that to meet this challenge, a system of provision is required which includes and connects together the following five components: 1. Housing-related support and assistance services helping to ensure that older people are living in safe, appropriate housing that is fit for purpose and promotes health and well-being. 2. New housing which promotes independent living and provides opportunities for older people to move to more appropriate accommodation (on the basis of size, design, site and situation) as their needs change in later life. 3. Specialist housing which assists older people with their housing and support needs in later life and delays or reduces the need for more intensive care. 4. Integrated housing, health and social care services which help meet the ongoing health needs of older people. 5. Information and advice which promotes informed choices and planned moves and supports independent living in later life. To inform such efforts in Greater Cambridge, the report sets out the development of, and recommendations from, a new model for estimating the required supply of housing for older people. On the basis of this, and acknowledging that future supply is subject to a range of possible policy interventions and external factors, the report explores the efficacy and interdependencies between housing and other components in this system of provision.