Home at Last is a free information, advice and referral service for older people who need help to find a permanent housing solution. Call Home at Last on 1300 765 178 (10am to 4pm) to talk about your housing needs or visit us at Ross House, 1st Floor, 247-251 Flinders Lane, Melbourne. Interpreter services are available.

These films have been developed in collaboration with community members in response to an increasing awareness of housing issues for older migrant and refugee communities. These films are fictional, but are based on common experiences that lead older people from culturally diverse communities to contact HAAG and Home at Last. The aim of the films is to increase awareness of the different pathways that can lead to housing issues, to increase awareness of Home at Last, and improve the ability of older people from culturally diverse backgrounds to navigate the housing/homelessness system.

Housing stories from Ethno-Specific Community Reference Groups

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Home At Last- Older persons housing information and support service

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Project Reports

Preventing Homelessness in Older Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities is a collaboration between Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria (ECCV) and HAAG. The project was designed to reach out to key communities and provide housing options information the languages of those communities. This report discusses the project and its impact on the communities involved.