Submission to The Victorian Social Housing Regulation Review: Background and Scoping Paper

HAAG strongly supports the need for the Social Housing Regulation Review, to modify the regulations so they best support the long-term wellbeing of existing and future tenants and the growth of social housing. We support Victorian Government’s stated principle that every Victorian deserves a safe, affordable and appropriate home and we call upon the Government to prioritise older people’s housing needs in any changes to regulations governing social housing and within the broader 10-Year Strategy for Social and Affordable Housing.

Older women are a fast-growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness, as found by the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into homelessness, however the unique housing needs of older people are barely acknowledged in this consultation paper, or other related policy documents including the 10 Year Strategy. HAAG’s responses to the consultation questions reflect the needs of this vulnerable and largely silenced cohort.

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