Fact Sheets

Residential parks suffer from numerous significant, systemic and overlapping issues, so HAAG proposes a six-pronged strategy to address these issues.

Read the briefing note

With a decline in home ownership at retirement age, unprecedented increases in housing prices and a reduction in social and affordable housing stock in Australia, older people are  experiencing significant housing challenges and are at increased risk of homelessness. Older women are the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness in Australia.

This document outlines the urgent policy reforms that are required by the Federal Government.

PDF icon Read our policy demands for the 2022 Federal Election


Some older people, particularly older women, are falling through the gaps of the housing system

Older people are particularly vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus.  They need safe and affordable housing so they can practice physical distancing, quarantine and self-isolation as required. 

Read our latest brief here

The results are in! How are older LGBTI people in Victoria housed, and what do they think about it?

View the infographic

In November 2018, Victorians go to the polls.  An election provides the opportunity to show leadership about the issues that matter.We know that housing for older people has become a significant problem that needs to be addressed urgently by the Victorian State Government.


These resources will help you if you are searching for retirement housing or independent living units.

Find them here

A fact sheet developed for members to use when talking to candidates about affordable housing in the upcoming local government elections in October.


A HAAG fact sheet on the inapropriateness of Private Rental for older pensioners...

