
We are currently at a crucial time when it comes to policies and law reform surrounding retirement housing.

HAAG has been working with Consumer Action Law Centre (CALC), Council on the Ageing (COTA), Residents of Retirement Villages Victoria (RRVV) and Justice Connect for a couple of years now to push forward much needed reform in the retirement housing sector.

Along with the work undertaken over many years by HAAG’s Caravan and Residential Parks and Villages (CARPAV) and ILU working groups, and the lobbying undertaken by many of HAAGs members, a parliamentary inquiry into retirement housing was achieved.

A detailed new survey of Australian renters has confirmed what HAAG has always said – that the private rental market lacks security and that tenants put up with substandard conditions for fear of eviction if they complain. As the Andrews government considers its options for the ongoing Residential Tenancies Act review, we hope they will take this on amid the growing evidence that we need to radically revamp rental laws to make sure that everyone can enjoy a safe and secure home.

Shane McGrath, HAAGs Tenancy worker spoke on ABC 774 on 2nd March regarding long-term leases. A summary of HAAGs position on the issue is below:

  • Longer leases are one important step to improve security of tenure for older renters and it’s encouraging that the government is working on this
  • Longer leases in themselves do not improve security of tenure, so it’s important to see the details of the plan before we get too excited
  • We continue to call on the government to abolish no-reason notices to vacate and build more public housing to provide real improvements in security of tenure for older renters


Thursday 16th February 2017

Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) is appalled at reports that the Turnbull government plans to axe the National Affordable Housing Agreement (NAHA) in the May 2017 budget. This agreement between Federal and State governments provides the only Commonwealth funding for housing and homelessness services...


10th February 2017 - Tenants Union of NSW

Alarming reports have emerged today that the National Affordable Housing Agreement (NAHA) could be axed in the next federal budget.


February 3rd 2017 - Australian Ageing Agenda- Darragh O'Keeffe

Australian Ageing Agenda- Darragh O'Keeffe- A new coalition of aged care providers, homelessness services and consumers is being established to bring about government action on the urgent need for older people’s housing amidst worsening rates of homelessness among seniors...

Older Australians are facing an increasingly uphill battle with the cost of renting in the private market, data from the Productivity Commission’s 2017 Report on Government Services shows.

Kimberley Seedy, Knox Leader -January 21, 2017

WANTIRNA Caravan Park evictees have told of the financial stress they are under, with one man standing to lose $170,000 on the unit he is now trying to sell...
