A key part of HAAG's Early Intervention approach to homelessness is our Community Education projects. Through empowering older people with experiences of homelessness to share their stories, we reach out to diverse community groups, letting them know about our services.

Latest Community Education Events and Updates

18 Sep 2019

On Wednesday 18th of September Sonja Zigic-Rahuz visited the Slavic Seniors Group Preston in Preston to deliver information about housing and aged care options in Serbian in Slavic/multi-ethnic. 11 people attended the session.

9 Sep 2019

On Monday 9th of September Hoda  Nahal visited the Grand Boulevard child and community centre-  Assyrian/Chaldean senior group in Craigieburn to deliver information about aged care system and the role of the Aged Care Navigator in Arabic. 35 people attended the session.

The video includes recent data on the prevalence of homelessness for older people, what to look out for and when to refer to our Assistance with Care and Housing program.  

If an assessor sees an older person who is living in private rental, they are likely to be at risk. Being single and female increases their risk. By linking them with a support service like the ACH program we can prevent people from falling into a housing crisis.

18 Aug 2019

On Sunday 18th of August Hoda Nahal visited the St Antonois senior club - Thomastown libarary in Thomastown  to deliver information about aged care  in Arabic. 20 people attended the session. The focus of the information session was on how to access the aged care, the types of services that are available to them and the role of the navigators

They also encouraged the participants to check the agencies well before they choose which one they will use in the future  

6 Sep 2019

On Friday 6th of September Sonja Zigic-Rahuz visited the Serbian Pensioner Club in Fitzroy to deliver information about information about aged care and the navigator in Serbian. 38 people attended the session.
