An exploratory study of older people living alone in Chongming, Shanghai

In 2000, China reached the threshold of an ageing society, that is the population aged 60 years and above accounts for more than 10.0% of the total population or the population aged 65 years and above accounts for more than 7.0% of the total population. The speed of population ageing in China is accelerating. One of the important features of the demographic profile of older populations is the increase in older people living alone. Older people living alone are usually identified as an “at risk” group who warrant specific attention. Although the proportion of older people living alone in China is lower than those in many Western countries, the impact of living alone upon Chinese older people may be more apparent. Traditionally, Chinese people are strongly influenced by Confucian teaching which emphasises interdependence and group harmony. Filial responsibility is important and older people are often cared for by younger family members. Intergenerational co-residence is very common in China This study aims to explore the health status, life circumstances and quality of life of older people living alone in Chongming County which is a district of Shanghai, to understand their health status, loneliness, social support, physical activity, health services utilisation and satisfaction, housing and quality of life; to find out the significant factors related to their quality of life; and to develop an explanatory model of quality of life. The study results should provide an in-depth understanding of older people who live alone in Chongming.
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