Independent Voices: Collecting and recording the experiences of residents of Independent Living Units in Victoria

July 2016

HAAG found that low-income residents of ILUs were approaching the organisation with stories of exploitation and mistreatment. We wanted to find out from residents what it’s like to live in an ILU and whether older people feel safe, secure, and fairly treated. They are a significant option for older people looking for a home, but they remain off the public radar potentially leaving people at risk. We were also looking to speak to residents who are satisfied with their living situation.

With support from the Lord Mayors’ Charitable Foundation, HAAG hired a Project Worker who developed and implemented this research project to search out residents of ILUs, who are generally not visible in the retirement housing sector.

At the end of February 2016, the Victorian parliament passed a motion to look at the legislation surrounding retirement living. The inquiry has received bi-partisan support and HAAG is hopeful that an improved retirement living sector will result. The parliamentary committee is exploring how retirement villages operate, management culture, and related legal issues including contracts, terms and conditions and fee. They will consider possible changes that would lead to improvements.

The ‘Independent Voices’ report will be submitted to the inquiry. This will go some way to represent the concerns of ILU residents. HAAG is uniquely placed to consult and engage with older people, in particular lower income Victorian residents. HAAG’s community development approach leads to successful outcomes engaging with hard-to-reach communities such as this.
