Raise the Roof Podcasts

HAAGs radio show Raise the Roof airs at 5:30pm every second Wednesday 3CR Community Radio 855AM. The show explores the latest in housing issues, older people and tenants rights.

Raise the roof Xmas Special

Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Shane and Fiona listen back to some of the stories of older women and homelessness, with an uplifting message from Molly Hadfield Award winner Vanessa Heart

Scams. Lemon Cars and Ombudsmans with Consumer Action Law Centre

Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Shane and Fiona hear from Rose Bruce-Smith about the types of things Consumer Action Law Centre are seeing affect older people - sophisticated scams, dodgy car sales, and retirement disputes - and what needs to be done about it. Heaps of great resources on their website https://consumeraction.org.au/

Commissioner for Residential Tenancies

Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Shane and Steph talk to Victoria's Commissioner for Residential Tenancies, Heather Holst, about her role and the problems faced by renters (and especially older renters) in the state. 

Not even stagnating: renters rights and the Victorian Housing Statement

Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Shane and Reuben talk to Louisa Bassini, the Acting Director of Legal Practice at Inner Melbourne Community Legal, about the Victorian government's recent Housing Statement, focusing on the government's plans to demolish all the city's public housing highrises and what that means for current public housing tenants. We also talk more broadly about renters rights and the housing situation in Melbourne. 

Older women at the National Housing Conference

Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Shane talks to Fiona, Linda and Michelle, who are all attending the National Housing Conference in Brisbane this week, about their impressions of the conference and what we need to build housing justice for older people. I also talk about some events HAAG is running or participating in as part of this month's Seniors Festival.

Statements and Rants

Wednesday, September 27, 2023
In a special double-Fiona episode, Shane and Fiona are joined by Fiona 2.0 to discuss some events HAAG is running as part of this year's Seniors Festival - retirement housing, quilting and more. Then we talk about the Andrews Government's recent Housing Statement, including some faint praise and a short list of okay announcements before we get to the really bad stuff in this garbage bag of antisocial policies. 

Digital Privacy for older renters

Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Shane and Fiona spoke to Samantha Floreani, Program Lead at Digital Rights Watch, about how tech is eroding older renters rights, and giving real estate agents way too much power. https://digitalrightswatch.org.au/

Ageing in a housing crisis

Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Shane and Fiona hear from members of HAAG's delegation to Canberra, where we launched our report "Ageing in a housing crisis" during Homelessness Week 2023.First we hear from Linda Hahn, Housing Older Women's Movement, and Michelle Cook, from HAAG's NSW Lived Experience Group.Then we hear from Professor Wendy Stone, Swinburne University, and Associate Professor Emma Power, Western Sydney University with a brief cameo appearance from Senator David Pocock.View the full recordingDownload the report,

United we Stand: forty years of co-operative housing

Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Fiona and Shane talk to Janet, Mea and Peter from United Housing co-op on their 40th anniversary. We discuss the history of co-operative movements and the importance of partipatory tenant-led housing, how things have changed and what the future might hold for this important housng type. 

Techno Park rave

Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Shane talks to Helen, a resident of the Techno Park neighbourhood in Williamstown who are currently battling Hobson's Bay Council for the right to stay in their homes. We talk about the situation, the residents' campaign to stay, and the broader housing crisis for older women. You can sign the petition to support Techno Park residents here, or follow their Facebook page here. 
