HAAG National Action Project in National Housing Journal

The Ageing on the Edge - Older Persons Homelessness Prevention Project is extending HAAG’s work across Australia. In response to rapidly increasing housing problems facing older people, the project aims to raise awareness and improve services and housing for older people at risk of homelessness.

This week the Ageing on the Edge National Project was discussed in an article in the National Housing Conference edition of the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute journal Housing Works. The article provides a good synopsis of the issues older people are facing and some possible solutions. Read the article here

 Since 2016, the project has been collecting and summarising relevant research and mapping the current housing environment by asking these questions:

  • What housing options are currently available in Australia?
  • How do older people discover and access affordable housing?
  • What services exist to help older people find and navigate to affordable housing?

The project has achieved a lot so far, including publishing two in-depth reports on the housing situations and possible service responses in South Australia and  New South Wales, as well as holding and speaking at a number of forums. 

For more information on the project and its achievements go to https://www.oldertenants.org.au/ageing-edge-national-action-project