Living together privately: for a cautious reading of cohousing

The paper analyses cohousing as a part of the phenomenon of private residential communities. First, we provide an overview of cohousing and we identify its five constitutive characteristics. Second, we propose a comparison between the constitutive features of cohousing and of other kinds of private residential communities. Third, we argue that the interpretation of cohousing within the context of private residential communities raises some doubts about a completely positive interpretation of the phenomenon and about policies for promoting it. To understand more clearly the potential negative effects of cohousing, a comprehensive analysis of it is useful. First, from an analytical-descriptive viewpoint, it draws attention to the fact that cohousing may engender some of the same problems usually associated with other kinds of private residential communities. Second, from a policy viewpoint, it sustains a more cautionary approach to cohousing: some scholars recommend public support for cohousing, and many public authorities have supported the development of cohousing; however, in our opinion, these recommendations and policies are a little hasty (for instance, because of the possible negative effects of cohousing).