An Agenda for Ageing Calls for Whole of Government Action

COTA Victoria and a growing alliance of 17 organisations including Housing for the Aged Action Group today launched a campaign demanding that the Victorian Government develop a plan for our ageing population. The launch took place at the Victorian Parliament, with speakers including the Minister for Disability & Ageing Martin Foley MP, Age Discrimination Commissioner Dr Kay Patterson AO and former Deputy Prime Minister, Hon Professor Brian Howe AO.

By 2031, almost one in every four Victorians will be aged over 60 and in rural and regional communities this figure will be as high as one in three, yet Victoria is one of the few jurisdictions in Australia without a plan for the ageing population. What do you want ageing to look like in Victoria? Staunch community activist Merle Mitchell AM refers to her current state of ageing as waiting to die, with the lucky ones being the ageing people who die quickly.

The launch included a panel discussion to hear about the ageing experiences of ageing activist Merle Mitchell AM, ageing activist/carer Laura May and the Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria’s Marion Lau.

COTA Victoria CEO Ronda Held said the Victorian Government should embrace the economic and social opportunities modern ageing can bring. A plan for ageing in Victoria will generate creative ideas and solutions so that older people can thrive and continue to contribute to society.

An Agenda for Ageing asks ALL political parties to address the challenges and embrace the opportunities of modern ageing in Victoria. Older Victorians vote in 2018 and this is the beginning of our campaign to take action on ageing.

Follow the link to download An Agenda for Ageing in Victoria