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The Inequality of Aging in Place

Research shows that most people prefer to age in place—remaining at home, near family, and in their community as they get older. But not all places are equal, and harmful neighborhood conditions can lead to poorer health outcomes and reduced life expectancy.

Multigenerational community development to revitalize a new town. Midorigaoka and Miki Aoyama Housing Complex Revitalization Project

Miki City in Hyogo Prefecture is where the declining population, declining birthrate and increasing aging population are significant.

Seniors Co-Housing: Re-Thinking Traditional Housing Models for Canada’s Growing Senior Population

This article looks at the concept of co-housing as a housing option for Canada's ageing population. Seniors co-housing has the potential for offering benefits over traditional retirement residences or long-term care facility.

Designing inclusive Later Living communities for HAPPI residents

This case study report features three award winning developments for retirement living. It explores how the HAPPI (Housing our Ageing Population Panel for Innovation) design principles have come to life in each to promote social inclusion where older people are empowered to live an independent and socially active life at the heart of their wider community.

Housing costs 'crippling' for senior Australians

Two thirds of Australian women renters over 55, would find a rent increase more difficult to afford compared to the rest of the population. Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that women over 55 are the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness. The number of this cohort living alone is very high compared with the rest of the population.

Can the popularity of tiny homes provide a solution for older women facing homelessness?

The number of women over the age of 55 experiencing housing stress and homelessness is rising in Australia, but the increasing interest in tiny homes may provide a viable solution for these women. Now moves are afoot on the NSW mid-north coast to establish a tiny home village, specifically for older women.

Intergenerational Housing: The Case of Humanitas Netherlands

We analyze a case study of an innovative intergenerational housing arrangement in the Netherlands as an example of how a local long-term elderly care practice evolved in response to contemporary challenges.

Public housing apartments for older South Australians

New apartments that will allow older residents to age in place in their own home are under construction in a $19 million project that is the first of its kind for public housing in South Australia. Under the project, 59 apartments will be constructed in three apartment buildings located in South Plympton, Prospect and Blair Athol.

Tiny House Villages in Seattle: An Efficient Response to Our Homelessness Crisis

An article describing the success of Tiny House Villages in Seattle, which has led the country in piloting this response to the homelessness crisis. There are now 10 tiny house villages located throughout Seattle on government, private, nonprofit, and church-owned properties.

Vital Conversations - Giving Older Women in Greater Melbourne a Voice

The findings of the Greater Melbourne Vital Signs 2017 indicated that older women were facing challenges and, in some cases, extreme disadvantage across diverse aspects of their lives.
