
Some older people, particularly older women, are falling through the gaps of the housing system

This project report outlines an early intervention homelessness prevention strategy of collaboration between aged care and housing sectors. It outlines HAAG's projects of delivering training to Aged Care Assessment Services and Regional Assessment Services staff about the risk factors for homelessness, the priority housing system and housing options for older people. The project aimed to create and strengthen referral pathways between the housing and aged care sectors, using existing assessment tools and referral systems to improve client outcomes.

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This report compares tenants rights and legislative and policy frameworks for public housing and community housing, with a focus on how these are experienced by older tenants. By foregrounding the perspectives of older tenants, this report hopes to provide insight into the personal impact of the systems that shape tenant’s housing experiences. This report also includes the experiences of housing support workers, to provide additional insight into the processes by which tenants access public and community housing.

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This report provides a brief snapshot of homelessness and the risk of homelessness for people aged 55 years and over in Tasmania.

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This report presents the findings of a study of the housing experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) older people in Victoria, undertaken by Housing for the Aged Action Group.

It aims to begin to bridge the critical gap in research by identifying the current housing circumstances and concerns of LGBTI older Victorians. We hope that the findings can be used to better inform research, policy and best practice and improve sector and policy responses surrounding older LGBTI people and Housing in order to reduce the number of LGBTI older people at risk of or experiencing homelessness.

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Homelessness is a rapidly growing problem in Victoria. Between the 2006 and 2016 Census the number of people experiencing homelessness in Victoria increased from a rate of 35.3 per 10,000 population to 41.9 per 10,000 population. A desperate shortage of affordable housing and skyrocketing rents are driving more and more people, from diverse backgrounds, out of their homes and into homelessness.

Belying the old stereotypes of homeless people being “rough sleepers: with complex needs, the fastest growing cohorts of people becoming homeless are women and older people. For many homeless means couch sur ng, living in severe overcrowding,
and temporarily in rooming houses and emergency accommodation.

This report examines the cohort of older people, over 55 years old, who are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless. During the same period between 2006 and 2016, older persons homelessness grew by 58 per cent. Drawing on Census, as well as Specialist Homelessness Services data from across the state, this report examines the makeup of this growing and often hidden demographic of homeless people.

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The patterns and circumstances of low income older non- homeowners identified in this report indicate that Queensland is no exception to the national trends on homelessness and the risk of homelessness for the older population. Overall homelessness in Queensland is rising and the older age groups are increasingly contributing to this growth. Unlike in other states where older people affected by homelessness and marginally housed are concentrated in the metropolitan capital, in Queensland greater numbers are found in regional Queensland.

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Australia needs to urgently address the rapidly increasing problem facing large numbers of older people, the majority women, at risk of homelessness. As a ‘new’ cohort with many specific factors such as age, gender, first time homelessness and economic disadvantage as the cause, there is a need for uniquely tailored early intervention strategies to prevent homelessness for this group to avoid later life complexities at great cost.

This proposal recommends the introduction of a national Seniors Housing Gateway (SHG) Program at a cost of $9.6 million to urgently respond to the rapid increase of vulnerable older people at risk of homelessness and assisting them to navigate their way to a housing solution.

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