
1st December 2015 - The Australian Greens

Good report released today from The Greens on public housing in Melbourne. Their policy is no sell-off of public land, build 120,000 public housing dwellings in 10 years, remove negative gearing and a public housing commissioner for complaints...


16th November 2015 Ralph Hampson - The Converstation

Ralph Hampson, Senior Lecturer, Health and Aging at the University of Melbourne, talks about the 'Grey Tsunami' and the importance of the input of older people in the development of services and policy that effect them.


8th October 2015

Workers from HAAG attended a session run by Alzheimers Australia to better understand the symptoms and risk factors of Dementia...


17th September 2015

On Thursday 17th September HAAG’s Home at Last service won a major award for Excellence in Ending Homelessness Amongst Older People...

26th August 2015

Housing for the Aged Action Group Inc has been nominated for the 2015 Victorian Homelessness Achievement Awards...

25th August 2015

The plan to demolish the towers and redevelop the site was considered by the previous state government. But Housing Minister Martin Foley said the towers would stay because the residents wanted to keep them...

24th August 2015

Prime public housing land that could house hundreds of residents is lying vacant, despite a waiting list that recently surpassed 34,000 people...
